Whichever wallpapers you decided on, we hope you can now use Wallpaper Engine with dual monitors. Be careful with the wallpapers you choose to use on your monitors because the aesthetics of your wallpaper can make or break your entire setup.

And if you’re using two monitors, it’s best to take advantage of their flexible settings to spice up your home office look. Wallpaper Engine is a great place to start if you want to jazz up your desktop setup. The Bigger Picture Is Always Better With Wallpaper Engine However, the mobile app is free, and has a decent collection of wallpapers to rock your phone’s home screen. You’ll have to pay a few dollars to purchase a subscription to the app through the Steam marketplace. The Wallpaper Engine desktop app isn’t free for use. Click the arrow facing downwards to collapse the window.Once you’re done, select how you want your wallpapers to be projected using the drop-down menu.Go to the “Choose Monitor” screen and add your preferred wallpapers to the section.Open Steam and launch “Wallpaper Engine.”.If you have three monitors connected to one PC and want to use all of them with Wallpaper Engine, follow these steps. How to Use Wallpaper Engine With Three Monitors Once you’re done, click the arrow facing downwards to collapse the window.Under the “Choose Monitor” section, decide how you want your wallpapers to span your monitors.From the top menu, select the monitor icon.